Project Management, Monitoring & Evaluation

Results Oriented Monitoring (ROM) System

Full title: Results Oriented Monitoring (ROM) System for External Aid Interventions financed by the European Union and EDF - Lot 1 - ROM for Asia and Pacific, Latin America, Caribbean, and Centrally Managed Thematic Interventions financed from the general budget of the European Union
Start date: 19/08/2019, Duration: 12 months
European Commission 

Technical Assistance to Support Monitoring of Actions Financed under the Facility for Refugees in Turkey

Full title: Technical Assistance to Support Monitoring of Actions Financed under the Facility for Refugees in Turkey
Partners: Ecorys Netherlands (NL), Ecorys Turkey (TR), Maastricht University 
Start Date:  01/02/2018, Duration: 41 months 
EU Delegation in Ankara, DG NEAR,  Secretariat of the Facility for Refugees in Turkey 


Full titleReview of implementation of centrally managed projects and programmes financed by the EU under the thematic programmes (CMTPs) – ROM Lot 5
PartnersHulla & Co. Human Dynamics KG, AETS, NUKEM Technologies GmbH, KOMIS
Start date: 01/01/2015, Duration: 52 months
European Commission

TA Prefectures

The scope of the project is the provision of scientific and technical assistance services for the supervision and monitoring of all the projects of development and installation of integrated Information Technology and Communication (ITC) systems in the Prefectoral Self-governments in the three Regions, These projects are financed by the Operational Program "Information Society", Measure 2.2 "Electronic Government in the Citizen’s Service".

Higher Institute of Business Administration (HIBA) in Syria – Monitoring & Evaluation

The objective of the project is to implement monitoring (twice a year) and evaluation (mid-term and final) missions to Syria in order to examine the project design and the implementing conditions, analyse the progress of the project implementation and provide recommendations using the internal developed quality assurance system.

Further Development, Operation & Maintenance of the Integrated Monitoring & Evaluation System IMES

Specific objectives: a) development of an integrated web-based information system to support the EC management of Tacis projects, b) updating the system database on a monthly basis with Monitoring & Evaluation reports produced by the Monitoring Teams in the regions, c) maintenance of the system. Training on the use of the system, preparation of manuals.