Organisation & Management Information Systems

EPU-NTUA services in this area emphasise on research, development and application of innovative ICT based approaches for management and decision making. This involves a combination of disciplines including: management & decision science, operations management, artificial intelligence, systems modelling, algorithm development and software writing for the development of web and multimedia platforms as well as of cutting edge ICT applications.

EPU-NTUA provides theoretical and applied research and scientific services for the design, development and implementation of contemporary management systems for entities/organisations that are either newly established or in a restructuring/ re-engineering process. The relevant services include design and implementation of innovative R&D approaches for:

  • Business Process Reengineering
  • Business Analysis and Strategic Planning
  • Business Intelligence Systems
  • Project Management Information Systems
  • Financial Management & Investment Analysis
  • Production and Operations Management

In general, EPU-NTUA sets the context for providing scientifically robust technical solutions for management and decision support and for determining their appropriate usage responding to the needs of contemporary organisations in the public or private sector. Within this framework, EPU-NTUA participates in RTD projects, provides high quality scientific services, undertakes targeted research contracts and develops solutions for real problems in industry, trade, education, health and public administration world-wide.