Energy and environmental decision support systems
EPU-NTUA is the oldest establishment in Greece to offer decision support services on energy policy issues at urban, regional, national and international level. Over the years, EPU-NTUA has become a real master in all policy and technological aspects of energy and environment, providing scientific advice to governments, authorities and companies in Greece, the EU, the CEEC, the Gulf region, the Mediterranean Region, China, Latin America, Black Sea countries, NIS, Caspian Region countries and in other countries all over the world. The specific areas where energy policy services are offered include:
- Energy policy and planning at national & community level, including energy demand, energy supply, least cost planning, administration of energy systems, energy co-operation, international energy policies, promotion of EU energy policy and the European Energy Charter, energy networks, establishment and management of regional, national and multinational energy centres.
- Energy planning at urban, local & regional level, including development of regional energy planning procedures, establishment of regional energy plans, management of regional energy centres and institutional support.
- Energy efficiency, including market assessment for energy efficient and environmental friendly technologies, promotion of market penetration of these technologies using “energy efficiency tools” (legal, institutional, technical, market), energy management and efficiency in SMEs, development of energy management information systems, institutional support for energy technology development, as well as investigation of the suitable funding mechanisms for implementation of energy efficiency projects (TPF, BOT).
- Renewable Energy Sources, including tools for the promotion of market penetration of Renewable Energy Sources technologies, achievement of the Kyoto Protocol goals through the implementation of RES projects especially in the Mediterranean and developing countries, development of decision support systems for the provision of services on RES, as well as investigation of the suitable funding mechanisms for implementation of RES projects (TPF, subsidies).
- Environmental policy models, including tools for the integration of the environmental dimension in the development of large scale energy modelling devices, customised data bases and decision making support tools for the development and application of energy - environmental policies, development of reference scenarios for projects to be implemented under the Kyoto Protocol Mechanisms (Clean Development Mechanism - CDM, Joint Implementation - JI).
- Methods for problem approach and analysis focus on the analysis of the quantitative and qualitative characteristics of energy systems, with the use of mathematical models and algorithms in econometric analyses, forecasts as well as cost-result analysis. Advanced computer tools are being used, such as RATS, Soritec, Dynamo, TROLL of the ΜΙΤ, GAMS. Moreover, models like HERMES are being used, as well as specific decision support models developed by EPU-NTUA and customized to each problem’s needs.
Promotion of Energy Co-Operation: Policy Dialogue and Technology Transfer
EPU-NTUA has an extensive experience in the scientific preparation and organisation of international conferences and workshops for the promotion of energy issues and the exchange of views world-wide. The unique combination of EPU-NTUA solid energy background with its long experience in conference organisation ensures the organisation of information dissemination and exchange, and promotion events with maximum penetration. In all these events EPU-NTUA undertakes the implementation of both the scientific and administrative aspects, extending from the preparation and implementation of the event to the publicity and follow-up of the results
The subjects covered by the conferences and workshops organised by EPU-NTUA, range from purely technological (energy management, energy saving, new energy technologies) to high level policy ones (international co-operation and agreements, EU energy policies, European Energy Charter).