Over the years, EPU-NTUA has acquired international experience in providing high standard (theoretical and applied) research & development services for decision-making support focused into five main domains:
- Organisation & Management Information Systems
- Research in ICT
- Programme and Project Management
- Energy and Environmental Policy Decision Support
- Training and Human Resource Development
EPU-NTUA activities are clearly problem- and product- oriented and are organised in a way to ensure maximum efficiency in the execution of its projects. In this aspect, the ultimate goal of our work is to deliver high quality, real working solutions, while strictly respecting the deadlines and providing on the job training and support to the end users.
EPU-NTUA services in this area emphasise on research, development and application of innovative ICT based approaches for management and decision making. This involves a combination of disciplines including: management & decision science, operations management, artificial intelligence, systems modelling, algorithm development and software writing for the development of web and multimedia platforms as well as of cutting edge ICT applications.
EPU-NTUA provides theoretical and applied research and scientific services for the design, development and implementation of contemporary management systems for entities/organisations that are either newly established or in a restructuring/ re-engineering process. The relevant services include design and implementation of innovative R&D approaches for:
- Business Process Reengineering
- Business Analysis and Strategic Planning
- Business Intelligence Systems
- Project Management Information Systems
- Financial Management & Investment Analysis
- Production and Operations Management
In general, EPU-NTUA sets the context for providing scientifically robust technical solutions for management and decision support and for determining their appropriate usage responding to the needs of contemporary organisations in the public or private sector. Within this framework, EPU-NTUA participates in RTD projects, provides high quality scientific services, undertakes targeted research contracts and develops solutions for real problems in industry, trade, education, health and public administration world-wide.
EPU-NTUA, belonging to the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering of the National Technical University of Athens, is one of the most successful and promising research units regarding research and development on advance and innovative ICT. Concerning the scientific areas of ICT Research, the GIC Research Group operating within EPU-NTUA pursues research and development of novel methods and tools, for boosting productivity of businesses and public administrations through the use of information and communication technologies. In this context, there is a strong and lasting collaboration with enterprises, academic and research institutions and public sector organizations, from Europe, Africa, Asia and US.
In general, GIC, sets the context for providing scientifically robust solutions that are in a position to advance research and facilitate the knowledge transfer to real-life applications. Within this framework, the team participates in numerous RTD projects (mainly funded by EU FP7 Programme, Greek National Authorities, etc) with the aim to provide high quality scientific services, undertake targeted research projects and develop solutions for real problems in various domains, such a collaborative enterprises, social manufacturing, smart energy and Government 2.0.
Areas of expertise and application regarding ICT research performed by GIC include:
- Future Internet Applications and Systems for Enterprises and Public Administrations
- Big, Open and Linked Data and Analytics
- Social Media Publishing and Analytics
- eGovernance and Policy Modelling
- Smart Cities and Knowledge Economy
- Enterprise and Government Interoperability
- ICT for Manufacturing
- Software Services and Cloud Infrastructures
- ICT for Energy
- Technology Foresight & Roadmapping
EPU-NTUA is the oldest establishment in Greece to offer decision support services on energy policy issues at urban, regional, national and international level. Over the years, EPU-NTUA has become a real master in all policy and technological aspects of energy and environment, providing scientific advice to governments, authorities and companies in Greece, the EU, the CEEC, the Gulf region, the Mediterranean Region, China, Latin America, Black Sea countries, NIS, Caspian Region countries and in other countries all over the world. The specific areas where energy policy services are offered include:
- Energy policy and planning at national & community level, including energy demand, energy supply, least cost planning, administration of energy systems, energy co-operation, international energy policies, promotion of EU energy policy and the European Energy Charter, energy networks, establishment and management of regional, national and multinational energy centres.
- Energy planning at urban, local & regional level, including development of regional energy planning procedures, establishment of regional energy plans, management of regional energy centres and institutional support.
- Energy efficiency, including market assessment for energy efficient and environmental friendly technologies, promotion of market penetration of these technologies using “energy efficiency tools” (legal, institutional, technical, market), energy management and efficiency in SMEs, development of energy management information systems, institutional support for energy technology development, as well as investigation of the suitable funding mechanisms for implementation of energy efficiency projects (TPF, BOT).
- Renewable Energy Sources, including tools for the promotion of market penetration of Renewable Energy Sources technologies, achievement of the Kyoto Protocol goals through the implementation of RES projects especially in the Mediterranean and developing countries, development of decision support systems for the provision of services on RES, as well as investigation of the suitable funding mechanisms for implementation of RES projects (TPF, subsidies).
- Environmental policy models, including tools for the integration of the environmental dimension in the development of large scale energy modelling devices, customised data bases and decision making support tools for the development and application of energy - environmental policies, development of reference scenarios for projects to be implemented under the Kyoto Protocol Mechanisms (Clean Development Mechanism - CDM, Joint Implementation - JI).
- Methods for problem approach and analysis focus on the analysis of the quantitative and qualitative characteristics of energy systems, with the use of mathematical models and algorithms in econometric analyses, forecasts as well as cost-result analysis. Advanced computer tools are being used, such as RATS, Soritec, Dynamo, TROLL of the ΜΙΤ, GAMS. Moreover, models like HERMES are being used, as well as specific decision support models developed by EPU-NTUA and customized to each problem’s needs.
EPU-NTUA has an extensive experience in the scientific preparation and organisation of international conferences and workshops for the promotion of energy issues and the exchange of views world-wide. The unique combination of EPU-NTUA solid energy background with its long experience in conference organisation ensures the organisation of information dissemination and exchange, and promotion events with maximum penetration. In all these events EPU-NTUA undertakes the implementation of both the scientific and administrative aspects, extending from the preparation and implementation of the event to the publicity and follow-up of the results
The subjects covered by the conferences and workshops organised by EPU-NTUA, range from purely technological (energy management, energy saving, new energy technologies) to high level policy ones (international co-operation and agreements, EU energy policies, European Energy Charter).
EPU-NTUA offers management scientific services covering all life cycle phases of programmes and projects.
EPU-NTUA participates in the design, formulation, detailed analysis, monitoring, control and evaluation of National, EC and International Programmes during the last 15 years. Additionally, through the participation in the design of the management structures for big infrastructure and RTD programmes, EPU-NTUA has accumulated considerable experience and specific knowledge of modern & effective management tools and organisational structures. The programme and project management scientific services offered by EPU-NTUA include:
- Regional development programmes
- Sectoral development programmes with emphasis on energy, environment, transportation, & ICT development, education and public works programmes
- Individual large projects carried out by public or private authorities, organisations and companies.
EPU-NTUA holds scientific specialisation, expertise and long experience in the management and implementation of monitoring and evaluation of programmes/ projects. This experience extends to more than 15 years in the past and refers to projects conducted for major public sector authorities and private organisations as well as the Unit’s involvement in the implementation of the EC ROM system from 2002 till today but also in the EC Tacis Monitoring since its start (1993).
The monitoring and evaluation services of EPU-NTUA include:
Organisational and general scientific advisory services to regional and/or central authorities for the monitoring and/or evaluation of their programmes/ projects
Direct monitoring and evaluation of programmes and projects on behalf of the financing organisations or the recipients.
Within this framework, the Unit prides in-depth experience in programme/ project analysis and design, in PCM/ LFA methodology and in development and use of output, performance and impact indicators, acquired through its long lasting involvement in the design, implementation and monitoring of technical assistance and external assistance programmes and projects of the EC (Cards, Tacis, MEDA, ISPA, PHARE etc), as well as of National Community Support Frameworks and other EU financing tools.
In the same framework, EPU-NTUA provides management and decision support services in the planning, design, implementation and monitoring of Sector-wide Approaches, Sector-Policy Support Programmes or General Budget Support interventions.
EPU-NTUA has significant expertise and know-how in using modern computerised monitoring/evaluation methods & tools and in the design & development of tailor-made computerised monitoring/ evaluation systems, including:
Physical/ economic/ financial monitoring
Assessment of results/ impacts evaluation (ex-ante, on-going, ex-post)
Training & human resources development: our most competitive qualification
Training capability is obviously a competitive qualification of EPU-NTUA. Working in the framework of the National Technical University of Athens, having in its staff a large number of academicians of NTUA and having implemented so far a large number of training and capacity building projects or modules in greater projects, EPU-NTUA has an experience that it is hard to compete.
The training activities offered by EPU-NTUA cover all the scientific areas of energy policy and management theory and have two main directions:
Academic Training
Academic training is offered to under- and post- graduate students of NTUA and other training institutes or organisations. The Unit's staff is teaching numerous courses in NTUA, including: Energy Policy Analysis, Least Cost Planning, Energy Management, Management and Information Systems, Strategic Development of MIS, Decision Support Systems, Project Management, Financial Management and Business Financial Analysis, Forecasting Methods. Furthermore, the members of the Unit co-operate on a regular basis with the most prestigious national and international training institutes and organisations in the design and implementation of training curricula.
Specific Professional Training
Specific professional training, including vocational training and re-training, is offered either on a regular basis or as part of consulting services to ministries, local authorities and public or private organisations and companies in Greece and abroad. Courses include: Energy planning and design of energy strategies, supply alternatives and supply security, planning for rational use of energy in all sectors, modelling of energy systems, Third Party Financing (TPF), EU Funds and their regulations, European Energy Charter, management & monitoring of sectoral development programmes, associated management information systems, Least Cost Planning (LCP), management training in the energy sector, etc.
This experience has been strengthened by the co-operation of EPU-NTUA with other companies and experts from Greece, other EU, CEEC/NIS and MEDA countries within the framework of major international programmes.