InEExS 1st round of stakeholder consultations completed!

InEExS 1st round of stakeholder consultations under the leadership of NTUA was a great success with more than 80 stakeholders participating in its upcoming 5 innovative services!

On the first quarter of 2023, the LIFE project Innovative Energy (Efficiency) Service Models for Sector Integration via Blockchain (InEExS) organised the 1st series of roundtables, under the leadership of NTUA, to engage relevant stakeholders (energy providers, service providers, local/regional/national authorities, energy agencies, citizen’s associations, building owners, financiers, etc.) and gather feedback on the business model development, the validation of smart services and the replication of results.

The five innovative services that will be tested by InEExS in the next three years all have in common the metered energy savings within the framework of the article 7 of the Energy Efficiency Directive and blockchain technology. The initial business models were discussed and advanced in the almost 20 meetings held with the 80 stakeholders involved.

Read the whole article here.

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